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Dr. Henk Maarten Laane Founder Silicic Acid

Henk-Maarten Laane started his professional career in 1967 at the department of Anatomy at the University of Amsterdam. As (senior) lecturer he taught students in medicine, dentistry and Physiotherapy Anatomy, Embryology and Pathology. His field of research was ‘the heart’ and he became Doctor Philosophy in 1978 on a thesis on the development of the heart. In the same year he was appointed as a coroner for the City of Amsterdam.
As a Medical doctor he worked as a general practitioner from 1973-2000. During this period, he was consulted by patients with a new disease called HIV/AIDS and in 1990 he left the University and started research on new medicines and treatments. This resulted in the introduction of AIDS medicines including the application of HIV antibodies on severe ill patients. He wrote a book on HIV & AIDS in 1992.
In his private practice Dr. Laane was consulted by patients from other countries with skin problems and he became interested in the skin diseases of the pigmented skin. Together with a dermatologist and a pathologist they developed a system for diagnostics on the different skin types. In 1997 they published their results is a book called ‘Efflorescences of the pigmented skin’. During this research period Dr. Laane was interested in improving the immunity of the human body and during his research on HIV/AIDS and on Dermatology he became involved in a compound called silicic acid, which was helpful to increase the immune system.
From the year 2000 he did research on the biological effects of silicic acid in humans, animals and plants resulting in several patents. Dr. Laane introduced ‘silicic acid’ as a dietary supplement in 2002 in Europe, being a success from the beginning.
Based on the same silicic acid he did trials on plants. He noticed that silicic acid improved the growth of the plants. These plants became more resilient, and the harvest increased, including the quality. By using silicic acid, the amount of pesticides can be reduced by 50 - 100%. This technique became known as SAAT – the Silicic Acid Agro Technology - and this technique is now used around the world.